XTF has proven itself as a stable, extremely useful tool, and we here at CDL are re-affirming our commitment to keep it that way. Last year a series of discussions considered large changes, even a total rewrite, but those plans didn’t really come to fruition. At the same time, these discussions couldn’t help but create a bit of trepidation among those currently using or evaluating XTF.
Meanwhile, new and interesting content projects keep coming our way, and XTF continues to be a great tool for tackling these challenges. Of course it’s also a key technology behind existing public services we provide such as eScholarship, OAC, Calisphere, etc. that are certainly not going away nor changing technology platforms.
So we’re backing off from the idea of a big rewrite, and from XTF 4.0 in general, and instead are going to aim for a more modest XTF 3.2 release in the next couple months. As always, XTF is made better by its users and other developers, so do continue to contribute bug fixes and patches.